Emergency: 604-308-6161
Check in here for tips on good stewardship and facts about water.
Clearbrook Waterworks District (CWD) is committed to conservation and responsible stewardship of our water resource. Water meters are installed at every connection to ensure sufficient water supply and to protect the environmental values of the aquifer. Metering will help CWD manage its water supply, foster efficient water use among customers, and ensure that our customers enjoy our high quality water for many years to come. Water meters are also an efficient and effective tool for detecting water leaks in your service line which inflate your water usage and invoice, as well as for promoting conservation.
A single lawn sprinkler spraying an average of 19 liters per minute uses 50% more water in just 1 hour than a combination of 10 toilet flushes, two 5 minute showers, two dishwasher loads, and a full load in the washing machine.
Make sure all taps are closed; check if the meter is stopped; if the red dial is moving while there is no water being used in the house, there is a water leak somewhere. Please contact the District immediately.
Place some food coloring in the holding tank and wait about 15-30 minutes. If, without flushing, the colour shows up in your toilet bowl, you have a leak that can cost you hundreds of dollars each year.
Fact: The average annual cost for municipal water and sewer services is $500.00 per household. To learn more about the value of water, visit valueofwater.ca.
Fact: Water metering cuts usage by an average of 39%
Fact: 780,000,000 people – about 1 in 9 – lack access to clean water
Fact: The UN estimates that Sub-Saharan Africa spends 40 billion hours per year collecting and transporting water
Fact: A 5 minute shower uses more water than an average person in a developing country slum uses for an entire day.
Fact: Less than 3% of the earth’s water is fresh water, of which less than 1% is readily accessible.
Fact: According to the WHO, for every $1 invested in water and sanitation, there is an economic return of between $3 and $34. By investing in clean water, children around the world can gain 413 million days of health.
Fact: A ‘Water Footprint’ is the total amount of fresh water used to produce goods and services consumed by an individual, including fresh water that is polluted in the process. For example, 70 liters of water are used to grow one apple. The average ‘Water Footprint’ of a person living in Canada is 6,400 liters per day. To learn more, visit waterfootprint.org.